Friday 26 August 2016


Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit. And one great thing I have come to understand about great people is that they are able to control their mind in order to achieve their set goals. You either control your mind or it controls you. There is no halfway compromise. The most practical of all methods for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan.

However, people who do not succeed have one distinguishing trait in common. They know all the reasons for failure, and have what they believe to be airtight alibis to explain away their own lack of achievement.

Some of these alibis are clever, and a few of them are justifiable by the facts. But alibis cannot be used for wealth, riches, or achievements. The world wants to know only one thing - have you achieved success?

As you read the following list, examine yourself carefully and determine how many of these words and alibis are your own property.

1. IF only I had good education...

2. IF only I had money...

3. IF only I had enough ''pull"...

4. IF only I didn't have a wife and family...

5. IF only I could get a job...

6. IF only I had good health...

7. IF only I had time...

8. IF only times were better...

9. IF only I had travelled abroad...

10. IF only I were younger...

11. IF only other people understod me...

12. IF only conditions around me were different...

13. IF only I could live my life over again...

14. IF only I did not fear what 'they' would say...

15. IF only I had been given a chance...

16. IF only I now had a chance...

17. IF only other people didn't 'have it in for me'....

18. IF only nothing happened to stop me...

19. IF only I had been born rich...

20. IF only I had talent some people have...

21. IF only I could meet "the right people"....

22. IF only I could save some money...

23. IF only the boss appreciated me...

24. IF only people didn't get on my nerves...

25. IF only I didn't have to keep house and look after the children...

26. IF only I had somebody to help me...

27. IF only I lived in a big city.....

28. IF only I could just get started....

29. IF only I were free....

30. IF only I had the personality of some people...

31. IF only I could do what I want...

32. IF only I dared assert myself...

33. IF only I were not so fat...

34. IF only I were not so thin...

36. IF only I didn't have to work so hard...

37. IF only I hadn't lost my money...

38. IF only I had a business of my own...

39. IF only I didn't have a "past"...

40. IF only I had not been born under the wrong star...

IF only - and this is the greatest of them all - I had the courage to see myself as I really am, I would find out what is wrong with me and correct it. Then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others. I know there is something wrong with me or I would now be where I would have been if I had spent more time analysing my weakness, and less time building alibis to cover them.

An alibi is the child of one's own imagination. It is human nature to defend one's one brainchild. Building alibis is a deeply rooted habit. Habits are difficult to break, especially when they provide justification for something we do.

Plato had this truth in mind when he said, "The first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile". That is why it is very important for you to get rid of alibis in your life. It kills creativity and innovation in human. You will always have excuse for what and when things don't go right as expected.

If you look at yourself inwardly and you still find one or two alibis mentioned above, friend, you need to break the it finally break you!

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