Saturday 4 June 2016


To own or run a private business for yourself, demands far more discipline than going to a job every day and receiving a paycheck at the end of the week or salary at the end of the month. It’s not easy to put your blinders on and avoid distractions when you become your own boss. Your favorite show is on the television and it’s only a click away. You have a bank deposit that it just sitting there on the desk, waiting to be crossed off your “to do” list. The grocery store is within walking distance and you suddenly get a craving for Mr Biggs or McDonalds. You can do these things because YOU ARE THE BOSS, RIGHT? WRONG! If you want to achieve that six figure income without being under the boss’ greedy thumb, mastering these characteristics is a MUST!

Have A Vision

What do you want to accomplish with your private-owned business? BE SPECIFIC! The more specific you make your goals, the more accurate you will be in determining the steps necessary to achieve them. Dream BIG, but think “baby steps.” Build yourself a roadmap with small goals along the way and the end result burned permanently into your vision.

Have A Burning Desire To Succeed

Desire is your internal engine that propels you toward your goals. You must have a reason for getting up in the morning and pushing through those obstacles that get in the way of your dreams. Review your goals in the morning and just before you go to sleep at night, and remind yourself what will happen if you can’t afford that dream private jet or house on the beach in 5 years. This will always put a spark back into your desire to get there.

Be Business Conscious

Because it is usually inexpensive to get registered with most home based businesses, most anyone can come with the money! It’s not like buying a McDonald’s franchise for $500,000. In fact, most home based businesses cost less to get started than buying a cart full of groceries. The affordable entry, however, could result in a weak commitment and a “hobby” attitude. Regardless of the cost, you must treat your business with the $500,000 investment mentality if you’re seeking success with it.

Be Self-Disciplined

Plan what you do and do what you plan. Every Sunday evening plan out your week, hour by hour, then implement your plan. Be disciplined enough to complete each task before going on to the next, even if you find yourself working longer than you set out to. Each action step you accomplish will take you closer to your goals.


Just like the popular adage that says “Pride comes before the fall.” I know you must have heard of that before. If you were successful in Corporate Company in America that doesn’t mean you will automatically succeed with your home based business as it is a different game with a different set of rules. You cannot recreate the wheel here. You must listen to those who have been successful before you and learn from their mistakes as well.You must be teachable at all times.

Have A Strong Belief

Do you believe in your Company? Are you proud to represent it? Do you get excited when you tell others about the products or service? When you believe in what you do and in your company, belief comes across to the person your talking to about your product or service. If you can honestly say that you would still consume your product even if you could no longer make money from it, then you have a strong belief.

Long-Term Focus 

Success in your private-owned business, as in any business, takes time and focus. Think of yourself as a farmer. In order to reap financial independence you must sow the right seeds of activity. By doing the action and committing to doing it consistently, even when you don’t see tangible results, by being diligent and patient. Your crop will grow ripe for harvest in due time.

Always Have A Positive Attitude

When you fill your mind with positive thoughts each day you generate the enthusiasm, energy and passion. This is an essential ingredient in order to fulfill your financial dream. Reading personal development books and surrounding yourself with people who share your same business goals are import. You must work on yourself as much as you work on your business.

Be Consistent And Persistent

Resolve to go the distance. You are going to face obstacles on your way to the top! See those obstacles as a training ground to help you get stronger and better. Then you can teach others. When times get tough or you’re having a rough day – call your sponsor or mentor for encouragement. If you stay in the race for the long haul and commit to never quitting, you can be guaranteed success.

You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

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